Monday, March 1, 2010

The Persuaders

1) Advertising today is literally inescapable. Everywhere you go, whether it is the most industrial, or the most wild place you can find, there will be forms of advertisement. In my own opinion, there is currently too much advertising. I feel like a lot of the advertising we see in out day to day lives is unnecessary, but we don't have an option but have it thrust upon us even if we try not to see any. In today's day in age, you cant open a cereal box without reading about another new product. You cant turn the radio on for more than a few seconds without hearing about something "new and different." Today, I would say that by the time an individual gets to his or her job, even if they work only five minutes away, they have seen more forms of advertising than his or her parents did in a week back twenty or thirty years ago. I believe that twenty years ago, advertising was an extra for most industries, but today, advertising is almost as important, some times even more important than the product itself.

2) The future is scary. If you take a step back and look at just how much advertising there is in the world, and how much of it is ridiculous and over the top, the future looks almost frightening. I see a future of advertising becoming a very real part of our day to day lives. There are many concepts that you read about that I believe to be very possible in our not too distant future. Some of those things consist of advertising in movies and shows themselves because of all the new devises that can skip commercials. Even your favorite shows will have advertising forms intertwined into them, so that many times you would not even realize the advertising you are being presented. Thats another thing I believe to be in our future; forms of advertising that are almost undetected, or subliminal. There will be forms of advertising that people are subjected to that they dont even realize. This would consist of advertising within books, movies, plays etc.

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